Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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319- 326

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Pankaj Goel*, Amanpreet Singh Brar

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Structural equation modelling of political marketing strategies adopted by political parties

Original Article

Author Details : Pankaj Goel*, Amanpreet Singh Brar

Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2018

Article Page : 319-326

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Political Marketing is a recent phenomenon, gaining importance quickly around the world. Politicians and their political parties are using a large number of strategies to attract and retain the voters. The present study has made an attempt to understand the perception of voters toward various political marketing strategies adopted by various politicians in India. The study has empirical research design with non-probability sampling techniques. A survey of registered voters was made; their perceptions were recorded and analyzed with various statistical tools like Garrett ranking, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modelling and path diagram. The study has derived three major factors viz. direct political marketing, relationship political marketing and transactional political marketing influencing the perception of voters toward various strategies adopted by Indian Politicians. The study has been able to frame a hypothetical model for these strategies. At the last, the study has also felt the need of further studies in this direction.

Keywords: Political marketing, Strategy, Perception, Voters, India.

How to cite : Goel P, Brar A S, Structural equation modelling of political marketing strategies adopted by political parties. J Manag Res Anal 2018;5(3):319-326

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