Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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384- 388

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Abdul Rahim Ahmed Munshi*

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E-service quality in online shopping, a special case of

Original Article

Author Details : Abdul Rahim Ahmed Munshi*

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018

Article Page : 384-388

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E-Commerce is expected to boom in Asia. The number of online buyers in Asia Pacific is forecasted to cross the one billion marks for the first time in 2018, which will account for approximately 60 percent of all users in the region. India, among the fastest growing Asian market shows a very encouraging projection of the e-commerce industry. E-Commerce penetration at the moment in India stands only at 28 percent, with a lot of room for growth. India’s retail e-commerce CAGR is projected to grow at 23 percent between 2016 to 2021. As per an ASSOCHAM-Resurgent joint study, online shopping is expected to clock annualised growth of 115 percent this year, aided by fast-increasing data consumption and improvement in logistics, along with a number of offers presented by e-commerce platforms.

Competition in the online marketplace is heating up as all major e-commerce players are eyeing a larger share of the online market; competition has only intensified with the likes of Amazon and Walmart with huge cash coffers burning a lot of cash to attract consumers. Local players like Snapdeal, Jabong, Myntra, Shopclues, Grofers and the like trying to woo the customers with unique product and service deals. In this kind of scenario, e-commerce players with the best service quality have higher chances of becoming the most preferred shopping destination for consumers. To get better insights of E-Service Quality and its effect on consumer purchase intentions, this study was undertaken for Snapdeal. In this study the SERVQUAL model was modified considering the online shopping context. Five dimensions considered to assess the service quality were website design, reliability, responsiveness, personalization and trust. Factor Analysis was used for data reduction and a 7 point likert scale was used to measure customer expectations and perceptions with respect to various dimensions of e-service quality of Snapdeal. Data was collected from 300 respondents selected on the basis of non-probability convenience sampling. Factor Analysis results indicated that consumers rated Snapdeal high on website design, reliability, responsiveness and personalization, trust was a factor that snapdeal has scope of improvement.

Keywords: Services marketing, Servqual, Customer satisfaction, Perceived performance, Expected performance, GAP score, Reliability, tangibility, Empathy, Assurance.

How to cite : Munshi A R A, E-service quality in online shopping, a special case of J Manag Res Anal 2018;5(4):384-388

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