Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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401- 405

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Paresh Bali*, Kavita Khanna, R K Gupta

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Descriptive study on the work life balance of f & b service captains of five star hotels of Delhi

Original Article

Author Details : Paresh Bali*, Kavita Khanna, R K Gupta

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018

Article Page : 401-405

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Introduction: The objective of the study was to find the levels of work life balance of f & b service captains working in five star hotels of Delhi, India. The captain is a supervisor in food service department and is responsible to ensure quality of service and guest satisfaction with the help of a team of waiting staff and under the guidance of manager. As the work characteristics in food service outlets are challenging and always create issues like stress, overwork and work life imbalance. This paper focus on the aspect of work life balance issue of captains working in different food service outlets within five star hotels of Delhi.
Materials and Methods: To measure the levels of work life balance author had devised a questionnaire measuring four dimensions identified in explorative study, namely quality time, involvement, satisfaction and health. Cronbach alpha values were found to be 0.082 and the data collected was analyzed through SPSS software; statistical tests ANOVA, Tukey HSD, t test were applied to draw conclusions.
Result: As per analysis of data it was found that work life balance of captains in f & b service department of five star hotels of Delhi is not satisfactory, and the results were similar for captains working in different types of food service outlets.
Conclusion: The study conclude that captains working in different food service outlets in five star hotels of Delhi, India do not have satisfactory work life balance, also it was noted that work life balance were same irrespective of the gender, it was found that captains in the age group of 25-30 years have a marginally higher levels of work life balance in the total but not above satisfactory levels. The main reasons were identified as break shifts, stretched working hours and lower compensation.

Keywords: Work life balance, Five star hotels, F & b service, Captains, Delhi.

How to cite : Bali P, Khanna K, Gupta R K, Descriptive study on the work life balance of f & b service captains of five star hotels of Delhi. J Manag Res Anal 2018;5(4):401-405

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