Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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Journal of Management Research and Analysis (JMRA) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2014 and is published under auspices of the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF), aim to uplift researchers, scholars, academicians, and professionals in all academic and scientific disciplines. IESRF is dedicated to the transfer of technology and research by publishing scientific journals, research content, providing professional’s membership, and conducting conferences, seminars, and award programs. With more...

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Short Communication

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473- 476

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Garima Gupta*, Abhimanyu Verma

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‘Country-of-Origin’ effect and online purchase environment: Outlining the need for research

Short Communication

Author Details : Garima Gupta*, Abhimanyu Verma

Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2018

Article Page : 473-476

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Globalisation has provided organisations with a market platform where brands are available to consumers worldwide, thereby bringing out the importance of country-of-origin into the spotlight. The opening of international marketplace has created a new landscape and placed the country-of origin factor as an appealing area of research. It is a fact that, unlike brand or corporate image, country image, is an influential but uncontrollable element of marketing strategy, especially for the firms that are taking their initial step to go global. For this reason, country-of-origin (COO) and its effect on buyers’ purchase behaviour has attracted significant research attention over the past years. The need to understand and examine country-of-origin effect has become all the more pronounced with the shift in focus from offline to online e-commerce. It is in this backdrop that the present review paper seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the linkage between country-of-origin effect and consumer decision making, specifically in the context of online purchase environment. In addition to contributing to the existing body of literature, the insights from the present work would provide useful learning to international marketers with respect to the use of country-of-origin information in the age of online purchases.

Keywords: Country-of-origin, E-commerce, Consumer decision making, Online purchase environment.

How to cite : Gupta G, Verma A, ‘Country-of-Origin’ effect and online purchase environment: Outlining the need for research. J Manag Res Anal 2018;5(4):473-476

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