Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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Journal of Management Research and Analysis (JMRA) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2014 and is published under auspices of the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF), aim to uplift researchers, scholars, academicians, and professionals in all academic and scientific disciplines. IESRF is dedicated to the transfer of technology and research by publishing scientific journals, research content, providing professional’s membership, and conducting conferences, seminars, and award programs. With more...

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42- 44

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Nilesh Anute*, Devyani Ingale

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An approach of urban and rural educated senior citizens towards e banking services

Original Article

Author Details : Nilesh Anute*, Devyani Ingale

Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2019

Article Page : 42-44

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The objective of this research paper is to study behaviour of urban and rural educated senior citizens about e banking services. The government of India provides various concessions and facilities to its senior citizens. The banking industry is also providing various schemes to senior citizens like senior citizens savings scheme, senior citizens club account, tax saving schemes, senior citizens fixed deposits schemes etc. Banks are also marketing themselves as best bank for senior citizens. Banking institutions started providing online services to their customers but these services cannot be said to be user-friendly for senior citizens. It is also possible that websites will be designed for easy use by the elderly in the future. As educated senior citizens are the major segment using banking services it becomes necessary to study the awareness, usage, ease of using and satisfaction level of e banking services among them. The researcher has used descriptive research design and non-probability convenience sampling method for this study. Survey method is used to collect the data from 160 respondents by using well-structured questionnaire. This research will help the banking system to know awareness, usage, ease of using and level of satisfaction about e banking services for urban and rural educated senior citizens. And this will lead to develop specific schemes and strategies for this group of customers.

Keywords: E-banking, Internet banking, Senior citizen, Awareness, Usage, Ease of use, Satisfaction.

How to cite : Anute N, Ingale D, An approach of urban and rural educated senior citizens towards e banking services. J Manag Res Anal 2019;6(1):42-44

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