Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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Get Permission Yadav and Yadav: To assess the model for consumers approach towards online banking after demonetization in Madhya Pradesh


The essential choice taken by Government of India (GOI) on November eighth 2016 colossally affected every one of the areas in India. Prior just individuals who are having through information about PCs, web and electronic contraptions used to perform banking exchanges in online mode 1. At present the public authority is empowering and some of the time making impulse to perform online monetary exchanges. The disposal of defilement and annihilation of neediness and so forth are a portion of the essential purposes behind executing demonetization in India 2. The essential point of this investigation is to propose a hypothetical model for understanding customers' demeanor towards internet banking. In this paper the web based financial methods utilizing portable banking, web banking and electronic asset move through robotized teller machines (ATM). All through this paper the terms web banking, web based banking, online installment and electronic asset moves are utilized conversely 3.

Literature Review

Web based banking can be alluded as utilizing web entrance for assortment of banking administrations going from charge installments to speculations 4. Prior banks used to give data about their items on their individual sites and progressively they have offered freedom to clients for making monetary exchange like bill installments and asset moves and so on 5. Internet banking is signing into an online record with direct admittance to assets in that account. Web banking had started in India from mid nineties and ICICI had been pioneer with in regards to execution of Internet Banking in 1998.

The elements like significance, intricacy, trialability, similarity, seen hazard and direction were thought of while considering shopper disposition towards web banking. For understanding web banking usage6 had considered variables like ease of use measurement, character measurement, security measurement, and social impact measurements. The use of web banking is advantageous to the two banks and buyers and it additionally lead to cost investment funds and comfort. The components like apparent helpfulness, convenience, social impact and self-viability affect buyers disposition towards web banking appropriation 7.

The security concerns and absence of information about online exchanges are a portion of the significant obstructions to receive on the web or web banking as indicated by study of Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). Yang et al.8 had built up a model for understanding effect of trust on social goal towards online installments by coordinating different models like hypothesis of arranged conduct, decayed hypothesis of arranged conduct hypothesis of contemplated activity and innovation acknowledgment model and so on The apparent danger contrarily impacts trust of buyers in selection of online installment frameworks. The effect of apparent danger not critical on customers' expectation among Indian youthful while receiving web banking for performing monetary exchanges.

Materials and Methods

There are numerous investigations about breaking down buyer demeanor towards web banking and versatile banking. In post demonetization situation government is urging individuals to embrace for online exchanges. The current examination satisfies the exploration hole by contemplating the customers' demeanor towards internet banking in the time of demonetization.

This investigation builds up a hypothetical model through audit of auxiliary information. The diaries, magazines, books and electronic sources are assessed to examine the current models from the viewpoint of shopper discernment and purchaser disposition. The estimation scale dependent on the proposed model in this investigation is likewise appeared however it should be approved by future scientists. The things for each factor in the proposed model are embraced from past research papers, and they are changed by the current situation of internet banking.

Table 1

Proposed Measurement Scale

S. No






I am aware about demonetization decision taken by Government of India.



On November 8th 2016, the Government had banned higher denominations


currency to replace with new currency.


I know that people need to deposit old currency and get new currency notes

due to demonetization.




Online banking provides convenience since it is available 24 hours.


Online banking enables to complete financial transaction by sitting in



Online banking helps to save time compared to traditional banking



Social Status


By using online banking, I give a modern impression of myself to other



By using online banking, I stand out of ordinary people who use traditional

bank services




I trust online banking for performing financial transactions.


I trust that operations performed by me through online banking will be





I think it is good for me to use online banking.


In my opinion it is desirable to use online banking.


Overall, my attitude towards online banking is favorable.

  1. Proposition : There is an association between‘demonetization knowledge’ and consumer attitude towards online banking.

  2. Proposition : There is positive impact of social status on consumer attitude towards online banking.

  3. Proposition : The trust may not have significant impact on the consumer attitude towards online banking.

  4. Proposition : There may not be positive association between ‘convenience’ and consumer attitude towards online banking.


The proposed model in helps to understand the major factors which influence consumer attitude towards online banking. The factor ‘demonetization knowledge’ measures the awareness about demonetization. The other factors like social status, convenience, and trust have already been used by various researchers while doing research in the field of online banking. The statistical techniques like multiple regression analysis need to be performed to understand the impact on various factors on consumer attitude. The measurement scale displays can be used to collect primary data for empirical verification of the model. The techniques like structural equation modeling (SEM) help to validate the model after collecting primary data.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest




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Authors Details

Pooja Yadav, Varun Yadav

Article History

Received : 31-03-2021

Accepted : 05-04-2021

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