Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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Journal of Management Research and Analysis (JMRA) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2014 and is published under auspices of the Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation (IESRF), aim to uplift researchers, scholars, academicians, and professionals in all academic and scientific disciplines. IESRF is dedicated to the transfer of technology and research by publishing scientific journals, research content, providing professional’s membership, and conducting conferences, seminars, and award programs. With more...

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Get Permission Bayavanda Chinnappa and Karunakaran: Global hr skills and competencies


Globalization, Privatization and Liberalization of world markets are a reality and are here to stay. They have already gained momentum across the world. As a result more and more organizations move outside their domestic borders into the world of dynamic global business. World has seen dramatic changes in global trade and business. Indian Markets, once a safe haven from competition, now fierce battlegrounds for domestic and international competition. Domestic companies are forced not only to compete and protect their market shares from MNC’s, but also to seek newer markets.1 As a consequence a large portion of work force is multinational and is located in other countries.

Firms, faced with unprecedented levels of foreign as well as domestic competition are forced to maintain a competitive advantage on top of the Priority list is nurturing human resources to implement global strategies. M. G. Dewer in his book, “International business management: Its four tasks”, points out “Virtually any type of International business problem in the final analysis is either created by people or must be solved by people. Hence, having right people in the right place at the right time emerges as the key to a company’s global growth. If we are successful in solving this problem I am confident we can cope with all others”.

Materials and Methods

A systematic search was conducted to understand the broad implications of the global H R skills and competencies. Important reports and articles were used for reference.


Globalization and HR

Globalization has considerably influenced the HR functions and skills. All developed countries design. Produce and distribute goods and services with case and speed. Factories can be set up anywhere. All the factors of production except the workforce skills move freely across the world. The latest Information Technology has been of tremendous help knowledge and skilled workforce keeps an organization not only competitive but also attracts investments.2 This phenomenon is materially beneficial to organization and the work force alike. It results into a virtues circle, well-trained workers attract MNC s, which invest and offer good jobs. The good jobs in turn generate additional training and experience.2

Presently the field of global HR is characterized by three broad approaches earlier emphasized a cross-cultural management approach to examine human behavior within organizations. A second approach developed from the comparative industrial relations in various countries. A third approach seeks to focus on aspects of HR in global organizations. This paper reflects and tries to explore Global HR Skills and Policies of HRM that is how the HRM is practiced in multinationals.

Global challenges to HR

HR Professionals, whether prepared or not are dealing with new challenges. The effects of increased international competition and the growth of alliances, Joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions are forcing pare in the US particularly. Rapid Technological advances, fast charging employee expectations about their work and the international debate over skills shortages in different countries are also forcing the HR Profession to look at their own skills.3 HR goals are also changing. New demands are being placed on HR staff to develop leaders, retain quality work forces, and increase productivity in the face of heightened global competition.4 In this environment new skills need to be developed to integrate global and local goals.

The Skills for Global Success

Cross cultural etiquette’s and behavior

  1. Greetings: How to people greet one another, what role do business cards play in it.

  2. Degree of Formality: How people are expected to dress formally or informally.

  3. Gift Giving: Do business people exchange gifts, what gifts are appropriate.

  4. Touching: What are the attitudes towards body touching, Body contact.

  5. Emotions: Is it rude, embarrassing or usual to display emotions.

  6. Eye contact: Is direct eye contact Polite, Is it expected.

  7. Silence: Is silence awkward, Expected, Insulting, and Respectful.

  8. Eating: Is the dinning occasion a formal or informal one, what are the table manners.

  9. Body Language: Are certain gestures taboo.

  10. Punctuality: Are schedules/agendas to be fluid, should we expect other party to be punctual.

  • Open mind and maintaining open

  • Honest communication

  • Global analytical skills

  • Mind skills

  • Global communication/ Corporate communities

  • Social skills

  • Team Skills

Global competencies

Global HR leaders the top five core competencies of the Profession are not technical, but related to mindset.

  1. Change Management: The ability to deal with uncertainty and change.

  2. Maturity: The stability of performance under stress

  3. Openness: Being open to new ideas and different practices.

  4. Flexibility/ adaptability: Being able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances.

  5. Contextual thinking: The ability to see the bigger picture and develop cognitive complexity.

Successful leaders possess four distinct competencies in this new environment

  1. Personal literacy — Understanding and valuing yourself

  2. Social literacy — engaging and challenging others

  3. Business literacy — focusing and mobilizing your organization

  4. Cultural literacy — valuing and leveraging cultural differences

Each of this literacy’s gets expressed varies depending on the culture in which we live, work, and conduct business. These competencies are universal, yet may be expressed differently by HR Professionals in financial services or high-tech, in Boston or in India.

Global leaders evidence tran cultural competence in the following ways

  1. Interest in different cultures and business practices.

  2. Non-judgmental initial interaction with difference.

  3. Conceptual understanding of difference

  4. Model of Product/ Service diversity related to culture.

  5. Model of organizational behavior diversity related to culture.

Global leaders learn from traveling and interacting with travelers. They have the ethnographic skills of cultural anthropologists.5

Cross- cultural competence in action

To build cultural competence — your own, that of others, and of your organization start by making global skills core competences. Globalize and localize leadership competencies and management tasks.6 Link performance management to global business goals, attract talent through your company’s “International message”, recruit for a global perspective build cross-cultural skills and reward soft skills.7


Operating globally involves a clear recognition of a range of HR Skills Pertaining to all categories of people operating in different functional, task and managerial capacities. The endeavor is to highlight the global HR Skills and competencies. HR Professionals must develop a new set of attitudes, behaviors and competencies in the 21st century. They must also help people at all levels of the organization to be more personally aware, socially skilled, economically enlightened and culturally wise.

Source of Funding


Conflict of interest




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Authors Details

T Bayavanda Chinnappa, N Karunakaran

Article History

Received : 23-04-2021

Accepted : 01-05-2021

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