Journal of Management Research and Analysis

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Get Permission Tailor and Kaur: Digital marketing and it’s impact on the buying behaviour of the consumers


Digital marketing is the one of the major source of revenue increment. With changing consumers purchase decision to finding out consumers awareness all are performed through digital marketing. It is considered as a channel through which companies reaches desired target market. Social media have been largely implemented as an effective mechanism that promotes the marketing goals and strategies of firms especially in aspects related to customer participation, customer relationship management and communication. Often internet is considered as the disruptive technology but consumers everywhere are waking up to the idea of shopping online. (P, Sunanth, & Chandran, 2022) The impact on retailing have been profound and as a result many business are changing the channels. Hence, digital marketing plays a significant role in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviour towards a product or service.1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Why Digital Marketing Gives More Satisfaction to Consumer ?

The main thing which helps and assist a business to grow in long haul is fruitful business and consumer loyalty. Both remain closely connected. In this real life amazing cutthroat market only quality of the product is not enough to accumulate smart customers. Today the progress of the relies on the market methodologies. It was because of this most business relies on digital marketing nowadays.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Following are the main benefits of digital marketing:

  1. Global reach and visibility: Digital marketing is a worldwide term and the reach that could be achieved is boundless. Even small business can have access to global audience which paves way to growth opportunities. Compared to traditional market, which is bounded by geography international marketing can be cost and labour intensive. (Mackey & Bryan, 2013) Online accessibility has accelerated growth avenues for traditional business to explore. This blend of reach and visibility have provided gateway of opportunities even for a niche product in the business.

  2. Effective targeting: Digital marketing allows to mine data to see which audiences have worked best for the company and optimize campaign with lessons. With digital marketing the company can always be on top of deciding which customer has been offered with maximum satisfaction and opportunity to develop better. With complete control over targeting a company can map out more appealing movement to improve marketing results. (Yamin, 2014) Digital marketing is broad marketing concept that describes the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet which results in effective targeting.

  3. Cost effective: Companies using digital marketing strategies to foster business whether big or small considers it as a cost-effective solution for growth. Every platform of online marketing may not be suitable for every business but any business can find fruitful solution in digital marketing. When it comes to management and labour or content creation price of digital marketing tools are within the flexibility of the company

  4. Digital marketing strategies: The foresight of digital marketing is its ability to quickly develop new approach to meet specific business needs. As business need changes a well- executed digital marketing strategy can also be modified accordingly. New business needs more careful planning because of their limited approach, a well-executed digital marketing strategy is a great key to better development. (Bala & Verma, 2018) Growth marketing is a digital marketing strategy worth noting where company can build distinctive approaches for every stage of business.

  5. Branding opportunities: The topmost benefit of digital marketing is branding opportunities. It is the ability to use different types of content to express brand online. Creating an independent platform campaigns using appropriate ways and tools that best suits the company’s brand is a powerful digital marketing tactic. (Boric, Stanisavljev, & Kavalic, 2016) When compared to traditional markets where easy content creation and distribution may be tiresome. Digital marketing keeps branding fresh in order to attract new and suitable customers to achieve organisational goals. Hence, digital marketing is a must for building a growthful modern business. It create brand awareness and improves the SEO to top the list. By understanding what’s next digital marketing effectively promote business to a greater range and benefit the company in the best possible way.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

  1. Digital marketing is linked with gaol driven strategies. With low cost initiative companies can achieve growth and explore market with insight. An essential part is that it provides area to learn and track progress and keep testing for new ways to improve results. This provides companies with ultimate satisfaction of achievement.

  2. It helps in digital servitization (Parate, Hiremath, & Tailor, 2022) which is the process of utilising the digital tools to transfer the company’s business model to service-based model. It helps in creating value which satisfies the customer requirement and needs.

  3. Digital marketing in contrast to old traditional market delivers a hassle-free system that create more value to customer. It also helps in integration and co-ordination of activities in an organisation.

  4. In past years with introduction of consumers to digital marketing system have become more centralized the companies are able to create more and more customers each day. After such change interactions have increased which is vital for the success of the organisation.

  5. Digital marketing has resulted in boosting trust in consumers. (Wind, Mahajan, & Vijay, 2002) Before making any purchase consumers first collects information of the same. Digital marketing creates a base which is considers a paramount for the business thus providing satisfaction.

  6. Hence, digital marketing helps to discover strategies resulting to more profitable avenues. It helps to cater many customer -based advantages. Although technologies involved are complex and therefore staffs of the companies are trained for it and infused with required model.

  7. Digital marketing have a significance impact on consumer buying behaviour by influencing their awareness, attitude and preferences towards a product or service. Its development has immensely altered the marketing scene.

Increased awareness

Digital marketing can increase consumer awareness of a product or a service through various digital channels such as social media, search engines and email marketing. (Kannan, 2017) By providing relevant and useful information, digital marketing can help consumer understand the benefits of a product or service and encourage them to consider purchasing it. Prior to digital marketing customer use to stick to a particular brand familiar with because of limited exposure but today consumers are aware of different products along with its increased value.6, 7, 8, 9


Digital marketing allows marketers to personalize their messages to target specific audience based on their demographics, interests, and behaviours. Personalization helps in better engagement of customers through relevant communication which further promotes sales and increased loyalty. The surge in online transaction since the onset of pandemic has intensified consumer expectations giving greater access to superior e-commerce personalization. Personalized messaging can create a sense of connection with consumers and make them more likely to engage with a brand and purchase their products. (Yasmin, Tasneem, & Fatema, 2015) It allows customer to tailor their shopping experience and become a critical part in optimizing the customer journey. Customer today are more digitally savvy hence personalization is considered as path to contextualize offers and experiences to influence customers buying decision.

Social proof

Digital marketing can leverage social proof by showcasing positive reviews, rating, and testimonials from other consumers. (Dwivedi & Ismagilova, 2021) This builds trust and credibility with potential consumers and lowers barriers to making purchase online.


Digital marketing can make the purchasing process more convenient for consumers by providing easy access to information, pricing and purchasing options. Nowadays, consumer demands fast responses and digital marketing makes it possible. Queries and information are shared effortlessly. Digital marketing allows brand to establish stronger and more transparent relationship by providing tailored experiences. (Kumar, 2019) By eliminating barriers to purchase, digital marketing can increase the likelihood that consumers will make a purchase.

Overall, digital marketing can play a significant role in shaping consumer attitudes and behaviour towards a product or service. By leveraging various digital channels and strategies, marketers can influence consumer awareness, preferences and purchase decisions. Leveraging personalization for business value is essential for organizations to revaluate their current marketing strategies and remain competitive to increase engagement and improve satisfaction.

In this developing world with developing technology, brand are more concentrating on digital marketing fundamental. Digital marketing is whole about introducing one’s content to the bunch of people who seems interested in the same.

In order to have a wider view of human perspective regarding digital marketing fundamental some primary data have been obtained using google form. This will give some better understanding. The average age of survey population near about 21 years.10, 11

Data analysis

The first question is social media plays a very important role in your life. The conclusion which has been drawn from this question is that most of the youth is connected with social media platform and these social media platform plays a important role in there life.

Diagram 1

Role of social media

Inference drawn

As we can draw from this pie chart data that the answer is at positive side hence digital marketing of users is proportionate to the presence of brands or companies on the same platform.

Diagram 2

Knowledge regarding digital marketing

Inference drawn

The moment when internet revolution happened after the arrival of 44 telecommunication and cheap plans of telecom operations the social media activity around the India increased by 200%.

Advancement in technology made possible the growth of digital advancement analytics and digital marketing. Out of people who filled the form 84.3% (59) have the knowledge of social media marketing . search engines, website , mobile application, social media platform all are beautifully decorated with recommended system which is the topic of data science and machine learning.

Software engineer and data scientist made it possible for digital marketing to find a place in each and every consumers mind hence almost every user and consumer is well aware with digital marketing fundamental.

Diagram 3

Best about digital marketing

Inference drawn

52.9% (37) of the population have chosen online shopping as an option for this question. Hence, it states that people are more engaged in doing online shopping. The recommender system recommends them promotion, advertisement regarding online shopping 22.5% of the people have selected online investment hence, firms or start-up like Paisa bazar, zerodha, angel broking phone pay , money control etc have build there kingdom on digital marketing platform and over the web since these startup are targeting youth by enhancing their approach of doing digital marketing and the result for the same could be depicted as 25% of the population thinks that digital marketing revolves somewhere around digital investment. 12 people choose digital education as an part of digital marketing which shows there interest towards learning and remaining population votes for online gaming.

Diagram 4

Which social media platform should business have a presence on?

Inference drawn

Social media platform helps a company to increase its brand awareness it give reach to those people who might have not heard of social media marketing before. It makes an individual to have an access to larger scale nowadays, digital marketing is playing a important role in upcoming small scale business and give a boost to it.

This question was asked to see which social media platform impresses audience regarding marketing strategy and it was found that people in today’s generation is more inclined towards the use of Instagram. Almost half of the population have selected Instagram as the media for marketing which portrays that.

Instagram has tightened its grip over other platform and is outshining other firms. The marketers usually prefer using visual in their social media platform and Instagram wins a down over other platform.

The next platform on which the audience rely on is you tube, you tube is one of the oldest social media platform. It is consider to be an entertainment channel used by all class of people. It is one of the biggest advertising platform for the users therefore 24.3% (17) people voted for you tube.

Facebook which was considered to be the one of the largest social media platform is losing its followers. For the long time, it seemed the site could do no wrong, going from strength to strength. But now with increasing popularity of other platform fakebook’s daily user is declining. Only 10% (7) people voted for it and one the most crucial factor for its downfall is young people are more interested towards Instagram and this was recognized internally by Facebook.

And the remaining selected other which portrays they are not sure with which social media platform actually surpass the other one.

Diagram 5

Digital marketing and companies achievement

Inference drawn

The Question was asked to reflect populations thought of why companies go for digital marketing and accordingly attracting customer was the main motive of the companies because it is considered to be an effective way to connect with business. It helps company/ firm to know there customer better and interact with them. Customer can have varieties of option available which provides visuals to understand the environment. 66.2% people feels that companies goes for network marketing in order to attract audiences to see there product. 19.1%(9) of the people analysis that market research is top priority of the companies.

Creating internet presence which means that how easily one can have an access to brand or company online, It depend on brand awareness and visibility of the same and 13.2%(13) of population believes that company goes for digital marketing in order to create internet presence.

Diagram 6

Digital marketing is efficient or convenient

Internet marketing enables one to be open for business around the clock. It overcomes the barrier of distance. Anyone can sell any type of good in any part of the country without setting up local outlets, widening your target market. The reach of internet is very huge, it has access to almost all parts of the world hence, creating wide choice.

Inference drawn

38.6% of the population believes that having the presence of network marketing helps one to have easy update of websites and business can make instant changes according to the changing environment.

25.7% (18) of population consider transparency as an option as it helps to build stronger relation with customer and generate customer loyalty. It actually means letting customer see ‘behind the curtain’ as it gives a sense of satisfaction to the customer. 20% (14) of the audience believes that there are other option available which makes digital marketing convenient for the business. 15.7% of the population considers different payment method as an option fer the same.

Diagram 7

Common social media errors

Social media and network marketing is not always fruitful there are certain down falls that needs to be considered before going for it and business or company sometime makes digital marketing mistakes. The next question shows us the response regarding what kind of common mistake does companies generally make according to the population.

Inference drawn

31(44.3%) of the populace thinks that inconsistency is one the factor that create social media errors, it distorts expectation and create a sense of doubt in the mind of potential customers, it creates sabotages in once growth. Digital marketing endeavour is fuelled primarily by content. In order to make a business survive in long run content should have the greatest possible impact, it must constantly convey the brand and its core messages reliably.

The next highest selected possibility is not engaging in discussion. 3c’s is an essential aspect for business to success that is clear, concise, consistent communication. It helps customer to understand product and sellers to understand customers demand which is not 100% possible in digital marketing. Feedbacks are not reached on time make it difficult for the parties to communicate and even if it reaches the company the ultimate owner is unaffected by it as it passes through various level before reaching the consumer.

17.1% of the population believes that not including click through in there process affects the growth of the business.

Diagram 8

Content writing and buying behaviour of consumer

Inference drawn

Arrival of digital marketing and SEO in the digital world have made content writing an productive way in bringing brands into the digital sphere. Content writing is considered to be an invaluable way through which firms can connect with there consumers, it educates the population regarding the company’s policy and product and creates the avenues for future where consumer can connect or engage.

64% (45) of the population agrees with the question asked according to them including content writing in the business boost the buying behaviour of the customer as It improves retention and consumer engagement.

28% (20) people look at the other factors too and are inclined towards neutral approach where they are feasible with both the option and the remaining population do not feel the important of content writing an option to build a business stronger.“SEO- SEO search engine optimization is the process used to optimize a website’s technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity so it’s page become easily findable, more relevant and popular.”

Diagram 9

Digital marketing helps company to save cost

Digital marketing considers to be cost effective method of business as it helps to reach a larger audience with low-cost content and brand awareness is created in budget. Moreover, Companies can continuously evaluate its working and put resources towards the right projects.

Inference drawn

71.4% (50) population relies on the fact that digital marketing leads to cost effectiveness. After evaluation it was concluded that according to audience it is cheap for the company to advertise in social media platforms where people are spending less time and doesn’t get attracted towards marketing. Companies can grab larger masses through efficient utilization of resources with minimum cost and it is possible through digital marketing and digital servitization. The methodologies incorporate the most recent technologies and recent strategies as it incurs a much lower cost sending out an email campaign that saves lot of time and cost.

28%(20) people denies that digital marketing save cost.

Diagram 10

Satisfaction while using digital marketing

Inference drawn

The last question which was asked in the survey was does people are satisfied while using digital marketing and 90%of the population have a positive answer for the same. It depicts that the consumer are happy with network marketing and the benefits that they enjoy while doing online activities. It shows that ho social media marketing has grab a major part of the environment. It have changed the old traditional form of marketing into new innovative strategies.

Inference drawn

44.3% (31) population of the survey votes for financial marketing which make it clear that the population is more towards finance as it enables the customer to navigate websites easily in this competitive space. Next is education marketing like buyjus, coding app etc all these have gained popularity due to social media marketing the voted members are more tilted towards gaining knowledge through social media marketing.12 and 7 members selected health marketing like b pharma etc and ‘others’.


The Conclusion drawn through this research and survey draws attention towards certain non-discussed factors that though social media marketing plays a large role in life but there are still people who don’t have proper knowledge regarding the same. Some parts of the population still don’t know that digital marketing does not only revolves around online shopping but it is much more than that.

Understanding the psychology of the customers in this highly competitive environment is important. Ever changing behaviour of the consumer in this digitalized world should be understood properly in order to survive in this cutthroat market. As discussed, the market still posses many threats and consumer are yet not fully aware about the advantages and disadvantages. The social media marketing has brought many positive changes in the market. Along with covid-19 many business were forced to adopt online approach if at that time online marketing wasn’t the support system be it for business, education, health it would have been very difficult for the economy to survive and there would have been a sharp fall in the rate of economy growth.

Ergo digital marketing contributed to multiple strategies and it increased engagement of the consumers and buyers.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest




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R.K. Tailor, Simran Kaur

Article History

Received : 10-05-2023

Accepted : 03-06-2023

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